Marble phone cases keeping popular among phone case industry for some years already.we have received many marble mobile phone cases inquiry and most of them have the same questions how the marble phone case manufactured ?
So We’d like to share some marble phone cover manufacture information to you that you can better understanding how the marble phone cover produced
In currently mobile phone cover industry .marble phone cases mainly Popular in two different phone case craft .IMD marble phone case .Marble pattern printed phone case.
Today I will mainly introduce the most popular craft :Marble Pattern printed phone case .how the marble case made ? in short words. it include below steps ;
- Marble pattern design making
- Blank mobile case manufacture
- Print the Marble design on the special paper
- Put the patterned paper on the phone cases
- Coating for the patterned mobile phone case
It looks like the marble phone cover manufacture is very simple right ? but acctually it not that easy ! I will share some informations later soon .for any urgently questions welcome email us at
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